1. The Church is to about the “business” of Making Disciples that MAKE Disciples.
Ephesians 4:11-12
2. My responsibility (as Pastor) is to EQUIP God’s People for service.
Proverbs 14:12 / Acts 8:27b-35
3. Should WE be available if Holy Spirit urges us to go and explain to another the great turrets of the Word? ______________
4. Paul is saying to Timothy; Listen, Learn and REPEAT.
Romans 1:16a / 2 Timothy 1:8b, 9a / 2 Timothy 3:10
5. Thankfully EVERY subsequent generation of Jesus Chasers can hear from Paul.
Galatians 1:11-12 / Romans 10:17/ 2 Kings 22:8
6. They had gotten so preoccupied with their life that they had forgotten about the WORD.
2 Kings 2:13b / Jeremiah 20:9b
7. Reliability itself is fast becoming a DINOSAUR.
8. A Disciple wants to PLEASE his Lord.
Matthew 25:21 / Psalm 119:47, 72 / Galatians 6:9 / 2 Timothy 4:8 / Revelation 4:10-11