Sunday: (June 4, 2023)
TEAM Luncheon / C&C Leaders Training @ 11:45 am
Tuesday: (June 6)
Ladies Prayer Team @ 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday: (June 7). Family Night @ 7:00 p.m.
KFC / New Life Youth / Adult C&C Groups
Saturday: (June 10)
Bereans, Men’s Bible Study @ 8:00 a.m.
A LOOK AHEAD________________________
B’Day, if you see Sista D today be sure to give her a Happy Bday Hug :)
PDJC- Registration is now open.
Offering Envelopes- if you utilize the Offering Envelope system for giving then you need to contact Dianne asap.
LADIES NIGHT OUT- June 20, July 18, August 15. Dippers @ 6:30 pm
VacationBibleSchool- June 14-17
Online Giving.
Scan the QR code for the website link.
GRACE NETWORK: 15 ounce can of fruit.
[alternate; any personal items]